Brandon Harter Honored at SCORE’s 2022 Small Business Awards Luncheon

What do cupcakes, a truck of rare Chinese pottery, and litigator Brandon Harter have in common? And how can they help your small business? Continue reading for the answer.
On Thursday, April 21, RKG Law’s Brandon Harter was honored at SCORE Lancaster-Lebanon’s Small Business Awards Luncheon as the 2022 Community Partner. Cathy Bonser, chapter president, recognized Brandon’s longstanding contribution as a SCORE Simple Steps presenter for almost ten years. She commended his ability to connect with small business owners and simplify entity formation considerations.
During the Simple Steps presentations, Brandon explains the importance of choosing and setting up the proper business entity. Many entrepreneurs focus only on the logistics of their business, but Brandon’s guidance helps them minimize risk and save time and money down the road.
Congratulations also to the other honorees at this year’s luncheon. The five small business award winners were featured in LNP earlier this month. The guidance they received from their SCORE mentors was invaluable, and we commend the effort and vision of these small business owners as they maintained and grew their companies throughout a pandemic.
Thank you to all of the fantastic mentors who volunteer countless hours with SCORE and significantly impact our small business community. And thank you to the Lancaster and Lebanon communities for supporting entrepreneurs and small businesses.
But what does all this have to do with pastries and porcelain? When presenting Brandon his award, Cathy also gave him a cupcake. She explained that his Simple Steps course includes a story about a cupcake truck involved in an accident destroying valuable Chinese pottery.
How will the business fare if the proper entities and insurance are not in place? Call Brandon Harter or sign-up for a Simple Steps program with SCORE to find out.