Communication between parents who are co-parenting their children can be difficult and stressful. Fortunately, AppClose, a free co-parenting app that can be downloaded on your phone or tablet, can help parents communicate...
Category: Custody
How the Protection From Abuse (PFA) Process Works
December 28, 2022
The previous post on protection from abuse orders explained what a PFA Order does, who can a PFA Order be issued against, the definition of abuse, and the two different types of PFA Orders. In this blog, I will describe how...
What is a Protection From Abuse (PFA) Order?
November 23, 2022
Domestic violence is a very serious and sensitive problem. Receiving threatening text messages or calls, physical abuse to the body, or showing up to your house unannounced and uninvited and making threats are all...
Child Custody Initial Consultations: How to Make the Most of Your First Meeting with Your Lawyer
March 3, 2021
For many parents, taking the first step to meet with an attorney to discuss custody of your children can be a scary and lonely process, especially if you have never worked with an attorney before. This article will provide...
Custody During COVID-19: What’s Best for the Kids?
April 22, 2020
As if the fears and uncertainty surrounding the coronavirus aren’t enough, many parents may find themselves having to balance concern for their children’s health with their current custody agreement. How do you...