November is National Adoption Awareness Month. Any month is a good time to recognize the life-changing impact of adoption and the love and support given by adoptive families. I have worked with countless families throughout...
Author: Holly S. Filius
Child Dependency Exemptions for Adopted Children
November 20, 2018
As we move through the last quarter of 2018 and approach the end of the tax year, many families begin to gather necessary information for tax filings. For adoptive parents, the process of claiming their adopted child as a...
What Does Thomas Rhett Really Know About Adoption?
November 14, 2018
Admittedly, I was not always a country music fan but over the years my tastes in music have changed and, with the crossover of country music into more mainstream popular music, I find myself liking country music more and...
Fortunately, the Child and Citizenship Act of 2000, which became effective February 27, 2001, streamlined the process of foreign born children being adopted by American citizens securing Pennsylvania birth certificates. This...
On December 5, 2016, the law in Pennsylvania as it relates to the required length of separation in order to establish grounds for divorce reduced from two years to one year. This reduction was highly contested for many...