Legal Links – July 24, 2015

July 24, 2015

On Fridays, we compile and post Legal Links, a list of legal news, reported cases, community events and topics of interest to Lancaster residents and readers of the Lancaster Law Blog.

1.  Osprey is the New Eagle. In 2014, the bald eagle was taken off of Pennsylvania’s list of threatened species after years of recovery and conservation efforts. Now the Pennsylvania Game Commission has a new bird of prey project – the osprey, which is currently listed as “threatened” in Pennsylvania. The Game Commission’s Osprey Recovery and Management Plan can be found here.

Earlier this year Central Pennsylvania was captivated by the Eagle Cam, which is currently offline. You can also catch a glimpse of some peregrine falcons on the PA Falcon Cam updating every couple of minutes from Harrisburg. We hope there’s an Osprey Cam in Pennsylvania’s future!

2.  Another Day, Another Data Breach. Ashley Madison got hacked this week. But who is Ashley Madison? The correct question is “what,” not “who,” and the answer and details of the data breach can be found here.

3.  Working Overtime. The Obama administration recently proposed a change in overtime regulations that would raise the threshold at which salaried workers must be paid overtime, and small business owners are worried that it may force them to change how they staff their establishments – read more about the proposed changes and their potential impacts: Overtime proposal may force hard choices at small businesses.

Increased and expanding regulations in health care, minimum wage and paid sick leave are cutting into small business profits, so small businesses are looking at creative ways to increase revenue and cut expenses.

It’s not all about the costs, though – next week on the Lancaster Law Blog, Christina L. Hausner will discuss a proposed Equal Employment Opportunity Commission regulation and its impact on expanding gay rights by further defining what constitutes discrimination on the basis of sex.

4.  Law Review – Social Media and the Judicial System. The law and legal profession in general have struggled to keep up with the rapidly evolving world of technology and social media. This article from the Legal Intelligencer highlights some of the problems that can be presented by interactions with judges, district attorneys and their interactions on social media and via text message: Centre Co. Controversy Raises Texting, Social Media Issues.

Looking for things to do this weekend? Check out for some ideas!  Please submit topics or community events for future Legal Links to