A noncompetition agreement may not be enforceable against an employee who is terminated for poor performance. Under a court ruling, an employer who fires and employee for failing to perform deems the employee...
Pre-employment Medical Examinations
April 20, 2007
It is a criminal offense for a Pennsylvania employer to require any employee or applicant for employment to pay the cost of a medical examination, required by the employer as a condition of employment, if the applicant...
Many employers utilize some form of pre-employment testing to assist them in hiring decisions. A 2000 study by the American Management Association reported that 69% of firms used some form of job skills testing and...
Did You Know? Pennsylvania Law Highlights Section
April 19, 2007
The Pennsylvania Employment Law Blog has added a new section which highlights and/or discusses legal situations which commonly confront human resource professionals. Click on the link titled "Did You Know? PA...
Newspaper headlines are replete with cases of embezzlement by employees and violence in the workplace. Government statistics note alarming trends for increases in criminal activity at the workplace. To stem this...