Design of an effective wellness program requires collaboration between insurance brokers, benefit providers and legal advisors in light of limitations placed on certain aspects of their design by HIPAA’s...
As Steve Buterbaugh noted in the previous post, successful Wellness Programs need specific goals and top level support. These two factors play out in the design and implementation of the programs. Wellness Programs have...
Compensation for Training Time
May 3, 2007
Training time is counted as hours worked and therefore compensable even if it occurs after normal business hours. It is compensable at the employee’s normal rate and counts toward overtime if the employee exceeds...
Design of an effective wellness program requires collaboration between insurance brokers, benefit providers and legal advisers. There are particular considerations relating to HIPAA’s Nondiscrimination Requirements...
Garnishment of Wages
May 1, 2007
Both Pennsylvania and Federal Laws apply to the garnishment of employee wages. Under Pennsylvania Law, wages and earnings of employees may not be garnished or attached except for repayment of student loans, child &...