I was honored to host another successful legal job shadow day last Thursday, March 7, 2024, for 15 high school students as a part of the Lancaster Chamber Mentorship Program. Each year, the students are expected to complete...
An Update to The Corporate Transparency Act
March 6, 2024
Since we first posted about the Corporate Transparency Act and the Beneficial Ownership Reporting requirement on March 30, 2021, additional guidance has emerged. The basics of this Act have been covered in prior posts, so...
Condominium and Homeowners’ Association Board Members Need to Register Under The Federal Corporate Transparency Act
February 7, 2024
Most small businesses in the US need to register with the Government due to the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA). I’ll get right to the point: most Condominium and Homeowners Associations need to register, too. This means...
On November 30th, in a unanimous decision, the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court announced a decision in favor of small businesses, such as convenience stores, bars, and private clubs who operate or have available for their...
Navigating New Year’s Eve Brewpub and Distilleries Closures
December 29, 2023
As we bid farewell to another year, there’s more to consider than just counting down the seconds until the clock strikes midnight. For those in the brewing and distilling industry, the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board...