The Central Penn Business Journal published an insert on Mergers and Acquisitions in 2017. The tag line of this insert is one of the most important considerations for transitioning a family business: “Timing is...
Myth #7- I Can Write My Own Will!
December 4, 2017
Apologies to everyone who is following my Friday myth series and was disappointed when this post did not show up on last Friday. Lack of time and sleep due to my do it yourself project contributed to the delay. Read on to...
The Today show announced this week that Matt Lauer has been fired after nearly 24 years on the show following an allegation made by a colleague of “inappropriate sexual behavior.” I won’t bother linking to any...
When you think of a document drafted by an attorney, what do you expect? Crisp, clean prose that conveys its meaning in as few words as possible? Probably not. Large walls of incomprehensible text that no one (maybe not even...
In the early stages of a business, a solo entrepreneur or small group of founders are forced to do it all – business planning, marketing, sales, bookkeeping, management, human resources…the list goes on and on. While...