November is National Adoption Month

November 22, 2017
Holly S. Filius
November is National Adoption Month in the United States and has been so since 1995 when President Clinton expanded what had been a National Adoption Week initiated by President Reagan in 1984. Lancaster County Court of...

Can’t we all get along?

November 20, 2017
Brandon S. Harter
Like brothers who favor rival football teams, my colleague Matt Landis and I often spar over our respective technological preference for Apple vs. Google/Windows/Microsoft. Generally, I think of this as just that, a pair of...

Myth #5- I need to avoid probate!

November 17, 2017
Lindsay M. Schoeneberger
“I need to avoid probate!”  I can’t tell you how many new estate planning consultations begin with questions relating to the belief that it is important to avoid the probate process.  Clients desiring to avoid probate...