We can now enjoy professionally-crafted cocktails from our favorite bars and restaurants in the safety and comfort of our own homes and backyards! Of course, this privilege does not come without restrictions… After much...
I wrote last week about House Bill 327 that would permit restaurant and hotel licensees to sell mixed drinks to go. The Senate has now passed that bill, which is awaiting signature by the Governor. All indications are...
I have lost count how many times clients have asked me whether a bar, restaurant, or hotel can sell mixed drinks to a customer to go. The question has come up even more frequently in the last couple of years since beer...
The federal government has taken significant steps over the past weeks to provide relief to individuals and businesses struggling to manage their finances during the COVID-19 crisis. The first of these, the Families First...
The past few weeks have been challenging for everyone. We know that each of our clients has been impacted in different ways. As we work to help you with the questions and concerns that arise with new developments every day,...