This is part two of a three-part series outlining the topics of discussion from our presentation to the Southern Lancaster County Chamber of Commerce on Thursday, October 10. Yesterday, Brandon Harter and I had the pleasure...
This is part one of a three-part series outlining the topics of discussion from our presentation to the Southern Lancaster County Chamber of Commerce. This morning, Brandon Harter and I had the pleasure of presenting to a...
Advertising and other commercial activities happen in an instant on social media. Are you covering your bases legally when posting photos of individuals or groups on your company social media accounts? State law governs when...
What Is A Postnuptial Agreement and Do I Need One?
September 26, 2019
When spouses separate and wish to divorce, there are many issues they must address before receiving a divorce decree. If spouses have acquired property during their marriage, that property must be divided between them before...
Explaining PA Lawsuits Using Plain Language (Part VI) – As a Matter of Law
September 24, 2019
This post is part of our ongoing series translating the lawyer-gibberish of Pennsylvania lawsuits into something understandable. For the definitions of the terms in bold check out the post that launched this series. A list of...