What do recent headlines about tattoos, video games, and my favorite Katy Perry song have in common? The articles contain interesting lessons from the always complicated, but never dull (to me) world of intellectual property...
Associations are Only Required to Make Reasonable Accommodations, Not All Accommodations
July 23, 2019
This is a post about reasonable accommodations that does not involve an emotional support animal. I cannot remember the last time I did not write about dogs. Recently, the Pennsylvania Federal Courts ruled that an Association...
In my previous post I discussed the steps leading up to the adoption hearing. In this post I will talk about your testimony and completing the finalization of your adoption. Adoptive parents testimony is typically a...
Last week, a new law was passed that allows municipalities to prohibit Video Gaming Terminals (VGT) in truck stops. If a municipality wants to opt out of allowing VGTs, it must pass a Resolution that prohibits VGTs before...
Sales Tax on Beer
July 11, 2019
If you have been paying attention to what is happening in the brewing industry in Pennsylvania, you’ve noticed that there has been much discussion about the imposition of sales tax on beer manufactured in Pennsylvania and...